Wig22: Duo Baars-Henneman: Autumn Songs

Sale Price:€12.50 Original Price:€15.00

Ab Baars tenorsax/clarinet/shakuhachi
Ig Henneman viola

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Ab Baars tenorsax/clarinet/shakuhachi
Ig Henneman viola

Ab Baars tenorsax/clarinet/shakuhachi
Ig Henneman viola

1 Brows of Morning 8:20
2 Nine and Fifty Swans • inspired by W.B.Yeats –The Wild Swans at Coole 5:39
3 Winter comes to hush her Song • inspired by Charles Ives Autumn 6:27
4 It bends it sways • inspired by Helene Gélèns –Hoe boven alles uit 3:37
5 Poor Autumn • inspired by Guillaume Apollinaire –Autumne malade 4:37
6 The Clouds go • inspired by Wallace Stevens –The Death of a Soldier 4:09
7 Restlessly • inspired by Rainer Maria Rilke Herbsttag 4:11
8 Autumn in Maine • inspired by the autumnal colors in Maine 3:18
9 The Heavy Cargo • inspired by Ingeborg Bachmann Die Große Fracht 5:07
10 Rain Curtains • inspired by Matsuo Basho Chilling Autumn Rains 6:25

total time 51.56

all compositions /improvisations by Ab Baars and Ig Henneman

buma stemra

November 30 2012 Bimhuis Amsterdam
Micha de Kanter | Mideka Music Recording

mixing & editing
Micha de Kanter Ab Baars Ig Henneman